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Young Parents October 2016


Judge Kelli Johnson declared mistrials in the case earlier this fall and in 2019, with two different sets of jurors failing to reach a consensus about whether Armstrong Jr., now 23 years old, shot his parents to death during the early morning hours of July 29, 2016. If ultimately convicted in the deaths of Dawn and Antonio Armstrong Sr., the younger Armstrong would face a potential punishment of life in prison.

Young Parents October 2016

Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been effective with parents of young children and that support the identified knowledge, attitudes, and practices; and barriers to and facilitators for parents' use of practices that lead to healthy child outcomes as well as their participation in effective programs and services. This report makes recommendations directed at an array of stakeholders, for promoting the wide-scale adoption of effective programs and services for parents and on areas that warrant further research to inform policy and practice. It is meant to serve as a roadmap for the future of parenting policy, research, and practice in the United States.

October 25, 2016 CPSC; Fiddle Diddles recalls LullaBelay car seat strap systems because the clips used to attach the seat to shopping carts contain small parts that can become dislodged, posing a choking hazard to young children. Units: 250.

Planned Parenthood is here for moms and dads to help them communicate effectively with their children about sexuality and sexual health. Planned Parenthood encourages parents and children to talk about sexuality and sexual health, and provides comprehensive sex education to 1.1 million parents and young people every year. In addition, Planned Parenthood provides information to more than 30 million people annually through

Raising the minimum wage to $12 per hour would increase wages for 35 million workers. This policy would increase financial resources for millions of young, unmarried workers who might be contemplating family commitments, as well as nearly 10 million working parents who are struggling to raise a family on very low wages.8

The usage of these indicators should not imply that they always lead to or are associated with negative outcomes. Divorce, particularly in high-conflict or violent circumstances,35 can be the best choice for a family, and many divorced couples and their children thrive in co-parenting situations. Most young parents do their best to provide loving, healthy family situations for their children, despite frequently lacking adequate financial and emotional support.36 And for some children, living apart from their parents is the safest, healthiest circumstance. But all of these situations can be difficult for families and are often accompanied by emotional and financial challenges that affect the well-being of both adults and children.37

A large-scale US study from 2013 found that the spread of mobile devices did not appear to affect the amount or frequency of reading to young children. However, it also found that reading was the least-common activity children engaged in on tablets or mobile devices (12). Other studies suggest that parents found reading to their child from an e-book to be a less positive experience than sharing a paper book, from both fun and learning perspectives (66,67). Even the most interactive e-books do not support skills like page-turning, and cannot provide the same sensory experiences as traditional books(37,68), which can be affectionately dragged around, manipulated and chewed.

He suggests education around the impact of social media in the lives of young people can help parents empathize with what their children are going through. Rather than dismissing their child's distress around being "unfriended" on Facebook, for instance, parents can make an effort to listen without judgment, acknowledge their child's feelings, and provide a supportive space for the child to work through things.

Establishing technology-free zones in the home is another way parents can support teens in managing their social media involvement, Rhoads says. It's also helpful to have technology-free times during which family members engage in other activities. In addition to getting time away from technology, Rhoads recommends that young people get involved in activities they enjoy where they can interact with other people. This helps to put electronic friends and connections into perspective, reducing their relative importance. "The teen is able to say, 'I can do this, I enjoy doing it, and I'm doing a good job at it.' This allows them to build in-person relationships, develop social skills, and gain confidence and validation in the real world."

Child advocates in both the medical and behavioral arenas recognize that childhood well-being is not limited to traditional notions of health. Indeed, children who grow up with a sense of privacy, coupled with supportive and less controlling parents, fare better in life. Studies report these children have a greater sense of overall well-being and report greater life satisfaction than children who enter adulthood having experienced less autonomy in childhood. Children must be able to form their own identity and create their own sense of both private and public self to thrive as young people and eventually as adults. 2ff7e9595c

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