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uTorrent And Bittorrent Skin File: Best Sources and Resources for Skins


The right column in the above image shows which color property in the skin file is used to color the element shown in the left column (see the code below). For 'Downloading' and 'Seeding', the first color shows when things are normal, and the second color shows when there is some error.

Double-click on the file to install the skin (if the file type is associated with uTorrent) or drag and drop the file onto your uTorrent window. You will have to restart uTorrent for the skin to take effect.

uTorrent And Bittorrent Skin File

If you're currently using a skin in new format (not sure? see below) you have to modify your existing skin file unless you don't mind losing your current uTorrent look. Find the skin file (see below) and open it in 7-Zip or WinRAR. (You may want to back-up your skin file before proceeding.) If you find a file named btskin (no extension), drag it out to a temporary location, then edit it in Notepad. If there's no such file, then create a file btskin using Notepad (remember to avoid the .txt extension). Change or add the following lines to this text file:

Once saved, just drag and drop the new btskin file in the 7-Zip or WinRAR window and allow overwriting existing file in the skin file archive. Restart uTorrent for changes to take effect.

Tip: Don't have a suitable archive manager such as 7-Zip or WinRAR? You can rename the skin file to and make changes using the ZIP support of Windows. Just remember to rename it back to current.btskin.

If you're not sure whether you're using a skin in the new format, just open the %AppData%\uTorrent folder (or wherever your uTorrent settings.dat is) and check if you have a file named current.btskin. This is your skin file that you have to modify.

Cant get it to work after I edit it with notepad. I save it as current.btskin and overwrite the original, but then when I open utorrent its back to the original way it was without the btskin. Any idea what im doing wrong?

I think you're not following the steps on my original post correctly. You only have to open the "current.btskin" file in 7-Zip, drag out the "btskin" file and edit the dragged out temporary copy. Once that is done, drag the temporary copy back to 7-Zip as described below. [You don't have to overwrite the current.btskin archive file at all!]

I also think you'll have to do my modifications from start (incorporating your own in the appropriate place) because it sounds that you replaced your current.btskin archive file with the btskin text file which is supposed to be inside the archive file.

If nothing else works, try downloading my current.btskin file and starting over. First, place it with your uTorrent, then restart and see if you can change to my colour scheme. If successful, proceed to opening the current.btskin in 7-Zip and dragging out the btskin file to edit it as described above.

I made one skin for utorrent 3.0 build 26473 (32-bits version). I managed to change all the colors I wanted, least these two : finished_progress:86c440 and finished_progress_text:666666. I have tried many combinations of colors, but always this color is blue : finished_progress and this one always is white : finished_progress_text. The problem may be that I have installed windows 7 Enterprise 64-bits and always these two colors go out like that by default?. When I select an item from the list of downloads also always appears in blue.

Of note, you can use the "old" torrent skins that implement the changing of ONLY the icons in the toolbar, and "add" the btskin file found within the "current.btskin" (if there is one) in the appdata/roaming/utorrent folder (Windows 7).

If you have a .btskin file, all you need to do is double click on it no matter what directory it is in, and it will create a "current.btskin" in the roaming/utorrent folder. Those old skins only have 3 bitmaps in them, and if you unrar them, and then add the btskin to all 3 files, x.bmp + y.bmp + z.bmp + btskin (that contains the lines below for instance):

Can anyone tell me if there is a file or Torrent that I can download all the skins for uTorrent, wich includes Toolbars, Status Icons, Tab Icons, and Program Icons. The reason why I ask is because it is impossible to download all the SKINS for uTorrent. I like to change them so often, so it looks different. I would appreciate any and all help, suggestions, etc.. You can e-mail me at or

Finally, after going through all my old files, I was able to find most of the more popular btskins. All you have to do is download my, unzip it and click on each skin, and you have your skins.

Nice!...Here's an archived version of all skins that were avaialble till 2013...Most are dead links but very few are still available if user posted external links... :// BUT you can save (right click) each toolbar, status, tabs and program icons of your preference to your pc and convert from png to bmp then rename appropriately.

Not really. If you use the file I posted and clicked on each btskin file, most of the work. You just have to know how to "package" all the different files into one .btskin You can find out how to do this at:

Okay, if you get the file I posted above and unzip it to where ever you want it, all you have to do is have uTorrent running and double click one file at a time. Then you will be able to see what it looks like on your PC. This is really the only way, that I know of, to preview each btskin.

Here's an archived version of all skins that were avaialble till 2013...Most are dead links but very few are still available if user posted external links... :// BUT you can save (right click) each toolbar, status, tabs and program icons of your preference to your pc and convert from png to bmp then rename appropriately.

I understand, but he wants to "Preview" before he installs a new skin. I believe that he wants to see what it would look like before he installed the skin(s). I don't think that needforsuv doesn't know how to make his own skins with the different bmp files. I could be wrong, but only needforsuv can answer the question.

When I used uTorrent, there seemed to be a plethora of info about skins. But none for Bittorrent. Even in the Help file, the URL is mentioned, but I get a 404 like message "Um.... we couldn't find that page" .

The btskin file is archive that uses ZIP compression. To view file content, rename btskin file extension to ZIP and extract archive in any compression utility, which supports ZIP file format.

  • This Potentially Unwanted Application adds the following processes: %System%\mshta.exe "%User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\index.hta?utorrent" "malware file path and name" /LOG "%User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\index.hta.log" /PID "2908" /CID "gw6cHOnBFxKQZX51" /VERSION "111258682" /BUCKET "0" /SSB "1" /COUNTRY "US" /OS "6.1" /BROWSERS "\"%System Root%\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe\",\"%Program Files%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe\",%System Root%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,\"%System Root%\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMwareHostOpen.exe\" --default http" /ARCHITECTURE "64" /LANG "en" /USERNAME "username" /SID "S-1-5-21-2407829820-1079796033-203259571-500" /CLIENT "utorrent"


  • "%System%\cscript.exe" "shell_scripts/check_if_cscript_is_working.js"

  • cscript "shell_scripts/check_if_cscript_is_working.js"

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  • ping -n 2 -w 500

  • "%System%\cscript.exe" shell_scripts/shell_ping_after_close.js " characters"

  • cscript shell_scripts/shell_ping_after_close.js " characters"

  • "%Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090\utorrentie.exe" uTorrent_2128_00AE28B0_1295390458 \xc2\xb5Torrent4823DF041B09 uTorrent

  • "%Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090\utorrentie.exe" uTorrent_2128_00AE2650_2136826985 \xc2\xb5Torrent4823DF041B09 uTorrent

  • "%Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090\utorrentie.exe" uTorrent_2128_00AE2650_1514118860 \xc2\xb5Torrent4823DF041B09 uTorrent

  • "%Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090\utorrentie.exe" uTorrent_2128_00AE2650_1469520665 \xc2\xb5Torrent4823DF041B09 uTorrent

  • This Potentially Unwanted Application drops the following files: %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\pt.json

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\en.json

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\featuredContent.btapp

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\player.btapp

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\de.json

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\vid_thumb.jpg

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\toolbar.benc.old

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\scripts\uninstall.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090\utorrentie.exe

  • %AppDataLocal%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MSIMGSIZ.DAT

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\72F0D3E2141065DACF6134D07A06A2DF20590748\index.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\updates.dat

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\br.json

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\shell_scripts\shell_install_offer.js

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\images\main_icon.png

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\ko.json

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\ru.json

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\scripts\initialize.js

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\images\main_utorrent.ico

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\images\bt_icon_48px.png

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\72F0D3E2141065DACF6134D07A06A2DF20590748\index.html

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\styles\installer.css

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\updates\3.5.0_44090.exe

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\maindoc.ico

  • %Desktop%\xc2\xb5Torrent.lnk

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\settings.dat

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\images\main_bittorrent.ico

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\fr.json

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\dht_feed.dat.old

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\dht.dat.old

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\72F0D3E2141065DACF6134D07A06A2DF20590748\icon.bmp

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\index.html

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\info_icon.png

  • %Start Menu%\xc2\xb5Torrent.lnk

  • %User Temp%\utt7263.tmp.old

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\shell_scripts\shell_ping_after_close.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\72F0D3E2141065DACF6134D07A06A2DF20590748\btapp

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\empty_movie.gif

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\utorrent.lng

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\index.hta

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\welcome-upsell.btapp

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\plus.btapp

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\rss.dat.old

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\dht_feed.dat

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\toolbar.benc

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\scripts\es5-shim.js

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\styles\common.css

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\btapp

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\uninstall.hta

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\it.json

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\i18n\es.json

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\images\loading.gif

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\shell_scripts\check_if_cscript_is_working.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\scripts\common.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\remote\main.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\main.css


  • %Application Data%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\xc2\xb5Torrent.lnk

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\rss.dat

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\D944B3378FAB35793B7951FA53E41B2AB9CC462B\x.png

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\apps\72F0D3E2141065DACF6134D07A06A2DF20590748\main.css

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\

  • %User Temp%\

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\scripts\install.js

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\settings.dat.old

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\HTA\

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\dht.dat

  • %User Temp%\HYDE3CA.tmp.1566925428\index.hta.log

  • %Application Data%\uTorrent\toolbar_offer.benc

(Note: %User Temp% is the current user's Temp folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Temp on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Temp on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).. %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).. %AppDataLocal% is the Local Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Local Settings\Application Data on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).. %Desktop% is the current user's desktop, which is usually C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Desktop on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\user name\Desktop on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).. %Start Menu% is the current user's Start Menu folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Start Menu or C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Start Menu on Windows 2000(32-bit), XP, and Server 2003(32-bit), or C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 2008(64-bit), 2012(64-bit) and 10(64-bit).) 2ff7e9595c

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