Instead of calling the String.Format method or using composite format strings, you can use interpolated strings if your language supports them. An interpolated string is a string that contains interpolated expressions. Each interpolated expression is resolved with the expression's value and included in the result string when the string is assigned. For more information, see String interpolation (C# Reference) and Interpolated Strings (Visual Basic Reference).
A number of types support format strings, including all numeric types (both standard and custom format strings), all dates and times (both standard and custom format strings) and time intervals (both standard and custom format strings), all enumeration types enumeration types, and GUIDs. You can also add support for format strings to your own types.
Strings 1 hindi
The following example defines a 6-character field to hold the string "Year" and some year strings, as well as an 15-character field to hold the string "Population" and some population data. Note that the characters are right-aligned in the field.
By default, strings are right-aligned within their field if you specify a field width. To left-align strings in a field, you preface the field width with a negative sign, such as 0,-12 to define a 12-character left-aligned field.
formatStringOptional. A string that specifies the format of the corresponding argument's result string. If you omit formatString, the corresponding argument's parameterless ToString method is called to produce its string representation. If you specify formatString, the argument referenced by the format item must implement the IFormattable interface. Types that support format strings include:
More readable. Because the expression to insert into a string appears in the interpolated expression rather than in a argument list, interpolated strings are far easier to code and to read. Because of their greater readability, interpolated strings can replace not only calls to composite format methods, but they can also be used in string concatenation operations to produce more concise, clearer code.
A comparison of the following two code examples illustrates the superiority of interpolated strings over string concatenation and calls to composite formatting methods. The use of multiple string concatenation operations in the following example produces verbose and hard-to-read code.
In contrast, the use of interpolated strings in the following example produce much clearer, more concise code than the string concatenation statement and the call to the Format method in the previous example.
All standard numeric format strings except "D" (which is used with integers only), "G", "R", and "X" allow a precision specifier that defines the number of decimal digits in the result string. The following example uses standard numeric format strings to control the number of decimal digits in the result string.
By default, formatting operations only display non-zero integral digits. If you are formatting integers, you can use a precision specifier with the "D" and "X" standard format strings to control the number of digits.
I have a method in base activity called setLanguage(Context context, String language).It takes context of the activity and the language string in which the localization has to be done.The problem is that only android system's hindi strings are being displayed and not of strings.xml(hi).For example i am able to see the translation of monday - समवर but not of any other strings i have defined in strings.xml(hi).
now i want to count the letter of hindi name in a varial and how many vowel in hindi name(string).how to break hindi string in array with php and count how many letter and vowel in string Index page Name : CreateCustomHindiTextBox("nameid", "", 40, true); function ff() var a = document.getElementById("nameid").value; var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); else // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;"GET", "demo_get.php?val=" + a, true); xmlhttp.send();
A mathematical system is any set of strings of recognisable marks in which some of the strings are taken initially and the remainder derived from these by operations performed according to rules which are independent of any meaning assigned to the marks. That a system should consist of 'marks' instead of sounds or odours is immaterial.
Logographic languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (known collectively as CJK) need far more than 256 characters (the limit of a one 8-bit byte per-character encoding) for reasonable representation. The normal solutions involved keeping single-byte representations for ASCII and using two-byte representations for CJK ideographs. Use of these with existing code led to problems with matching and cutting of strings, the severity of which depended on how the character encoding was designed. Some encodings such as the EUC family guarantee that a byte value in the ASCII range will represent only that ASCII character, making the encoding safe for systems that use those characters as field separators. Other encodings such as ISO-2022 and Shift-JIS do not make such guarantees, making matching on byte codes unsafe. These encodings also were not "self-synchronizing", so that locating character boundaries required backing up to the start of a string, and pasting two strings together could result in corruption of the second string.
Unicode has simplified the picture somewhat. Most programming languages now have a datatype for Unicode strings. Unicode's preferred byte stream format UTF-8 is designed not to have the problems described above for older multibyte encodings. UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 require the programmer to know that the fixed-size code units are different than the "characters", the main difficulty currently is incorrectly designed APIs that attempt to hide this difference (UTF-32 does make code points fixed-sized, but these are not "characters" due to composing codes). 2ff7e9595c