Lest do like this: 1. Open your visual studio2. Open your solution, for example in mine is mngpwn (it's windows form app) 3. Set application target .net framework to .net 4.7 or above 4. On opened solution in visual studio solution exploler, open the form. In mine is Form1.cs [Design], 5. actived Toolbox, select General Tab, 6. Restore down the visual studio windows 7. Open windows explorer an go to folder of installed DexExpress dll file 8. Restore down the window exploler 9. select view as Detail View and then sort view by Type file 10. Go to window exploler, select the .dll stored. In mine is in C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 13.2\Components\Bin\Framework, 11. Drag to general tab on toolbox, 12. Wait a momen. When appear the dialog window, click Ok, 13. Rename the general tab in tooolbox as you want, 14. Make new tab and move the group of DevExpress Component you want to group, 15. Done!16. You now can use all of DevExpress component.17. Do the same for web component in web solution type.
DevExpress .Net Help Documentation For Visual Studio v19.1.3